We serve our clients in healing and transforming their physical, mental, emotional,
spiritual, relationship, and finance challenges to become healthy, happy, and
Conscious and Visionary Leadership Coaching
Our mission and vision are to empower women to create “Ultimate Freedom and Success In Your Life”™, actualize your full potential, be connected, healthy, happy, and money savvy. Together, we will transform your health, relationship, and money challenges. Your self-healing and transformational journey will allow you to shine your unique gifts, talents, and skills in your work and at home with confidence and purpose.
You will step into your greatness as Conscious and Visionary leaders. You will attract the right people and situation in your life because of your high vibrational frequency. You will align to your soul, heart, mind, and body, and ultimately, experience health, happiness, success, love, peace, and harmony.

From Physical Pains/Challenges to Vibrant and Optimum Health and Happiness
It is important to find the best tools available to maintain, restore, develop, and enhance good health. Being in good physical health allows you to be happy.
One of the most powerful transformational tools available today is the Shen Medicine: heal, transform, and rejuvenate at the soul, heart, mind, and body level. It is a unique positive information and energy system that you can easily apply to bring positive energy, high frequencies, and vibrations directly to your health. it is possible to transform blockages in your health, even chronic illnesses, to reach optimum health and happiness.
- How to identify and uncover the root causes of your physical pains/challenges (knee, back, hip pains, neck injuries, brain injuries, kidney infection, diabetes, high blood pressure, and more).
- How to heal and transform those blockages in your health at a soul, heart, mind, and body level for vibrant and optimum health.
- How to boost your energy and strengthen your immune system.
- How to heal and transform your five major organs: liver, heart, spleen, lungs, and kidneys which are affected by anger, depression, anxiety, worry, grief, sadness, and fear.
- Learn easy, practical, and powerful daily practices for your self-care and continued health and happiness.
From Emotional Pains /Challenges to Emotional Well-being, Health, and Happiness
During this pandemic time, many of us are going through various unbalanced emotions such as anger, depression/anxiety, worry, sadness/grief, and fear, at an escalating rate.
Are you ready to heal and transform these emotions in order to experience patience, joy, love, compassion, courage, and calm? To feel whole, healthy, and happy?
We are here to help you transform those emotional challenges:
- How to heal and transform those blockages that are holding you back: anger, depression, sadness, grief, fear, shame, guilt, self-doubt, lack of self-esteem, lack of self-confidence, negative attitudes, beliefs, mindsets, speech, actions and reactions, ego, and more.
- How to connect with the deeper yearnings of your soul, heart, mind, and body to ignite and manifest the higher possibilities of the woman you sense .
- How to heal and transform isolation, which blocks the support you need to access, in order to rise above any challenge.
- Experience greater balance, health and happiness
- Learn easy, practical, and powerful daily practices to restore harmony in yourself and around you.

From Mental Challenges to Clarity, Focus, Self-esteem, Self-worth, and Confidence
We have all experienced mental challenges at one point in our life. Unfortunately, some of us suffer from debilitating mental challenges that prevent us from functioning in our daily life. Yet, there is hope when healing, transforming, and rejuvenating at the soul, heart, mind, and body level. “If you want to know if a
pear is sweet, taste it”.
- How to heal and transform confusion, lack of clarity, poor memory, and more.
- How to heal and transform negative mindset, attitudes, beliefs, actions, reactions, attachments, and ego.
- How to align with your soul, heart, mind, and body in your spiritual journey. You could receive tremendous benefits for healing, prevention of sickness, transformation in your enlightenment journey, and more.
- How to remove attachments, and develop a peaceful and still heart to go deeper on your spiritual journey.
- Empower you to be the message of unconditional and selfless service in life and on your soul journey.
- Learn easy, practical, and powerful daily practices to become kind and compassionate. To experience inner peace, joy, and happiness,
From Spiritual challenges to Connecting with the Hero within
“We support you in your healing, transformational, and spiritual journey.
We help you experience a deeper understanding on how to advance in your spiritual journey.
- How to connect with the Hero Within You. Uplift your consciousness. Connect with your vision and make it happen.
- How to align with your soul, heart, mind, and body in your spiritual journey. You could receive tremendous benefits for healing, prevention of sickness, transformation in your enlightenment journey, and more.
- How to remove attachments, and develop a peaceful and still heart to go deeper on your spiritual journey.
- Empower you to be the message of unconditional and selfless service in life and on your soul journey.
- Learn easy, practical, and powerful daily practices to become kind and compassionate. To experience inner peace, joy, and happiness.

From Relationship Challenges to Healthy and Fulfilling Relationships
Relationships are one of the biggest blessings in life! When they are good, they can boost our love, happiness, energy, peace, joy, and even our health, but when they are challenged, they cause hardship. They take a toll on us physically, mentally, and emotionally. Our relationships, and finance suffer. The good news is that we can access powerful positive energy, frequency, and vibration through simple wisdom and practices that can help us transform our relationship challenges and increase our love, peace, happiness, health, and finance!
- How to address chronic personal issues affecting your life: (Feel invisible, not good enough and under recognized in all of your relationships, playing small, low self-esteem, lack of self-love, feel alone, isolated, and more)
- Heal and transform those unhealthy blockages in your relationships at a soul, heart, mind, and body level.
- Heal and transform negative mindset, beliefs, attitudes, and ego impacting your relationships negatively.
- How to restore balance and harmony in yourself and relationships. Set healthy boundaries. Experience inner harmony, peace, happiness and fulfilling relationships.
- Learn easy, practical, and powerful daily practices to restore harmony in yourself and around you. Be empowered and fulfilled.
From Finance Challenges to Flourishing Finance
Most people wish to experience flourishing in their finances. Flourishing finances make life easier, enjoyable, and fulfilling. To be financially healthy allows us to create possibilities in our life.
- Uncover, heal and transform what’s blocking the source and purpose of flourishing in your life at the soul, heart, mind, and body level.
- How to tap into a unique positive information and energy field and harness its power for positive change in your career and finance.
- How to break free from lack, which creates a disconnection to a higher power and blocks your financial abundance.
- How to transform deep insecurity, fear and a sense of it being too late, or that there’s not enough, or the need to control things to feel safe.
- Learn easy, practical, and powerful daily practices to connect at a soul, heart, mind, and body level to experience and embody a healthy financial blueprint and success.

Conscious and Visionary Leadership Coaching
We help our clients unleash their deepest potentials in all areas of their life. We empower our clients to effortlessly pierce through lies, strip off the masks of make-believe, and to stop playing small and invisible in all aspects of their life.
Our deepest prayer is that each and everyone of you discover the true leader in you, soar into your personal freedom, and serve others with compassion, care, and understanding.
- How to reinforce your core values of honesty, integrity, respect, caring, and compassion for each and all. Vibrate your thoughts, speech, actions and reactions with positive frequency.
- How to create a solid foundation for the Conscious and Visionary Leader that emerges from your true self. Be fulfilled and whole.
- How to integrate wholesomely and set healthy boundaries. Stand in your own power and inner strength as a woman, as a Conscious and Visionary Leader at work and at home.
- Become aligned to your soul, heart, mind, and body, and your true life purpose. Create from this spaciousness in you, be light, free, healthy, happy, and successful.
- How to attract love, light, true intimacy, abundance, and more, in your health, relationships, and finance.