Years ago, I went on a pilgrimage to India with about 120 Spiritual Health Practitioners including psychologists, business women/men, and a judge… from around the world.
Everyday, we meditated, work on each other, gathered and spoke in truth about what came up for us as we continued to heal after each transformation day.
Some of us slept in tents with beds because there were not enough bedrooms in the hotel where some friends were staying. In the morning, we would also practice yoga to open up emotionally for further healing and transformation. It was quite intensive.
We also went to the Ganges where we bathed in the water to wash away that no longer served us. Some of us were too scared to go in the water because of its pollution. And it was those who were scared of going in the water that had a more difficult time integrating from their healing and transformation journey.
India was a cultural shock with a lot of young children on the street, some sleeping under bridges. There were slums, dirt, and pollution, with chaos in the traffic, cars going in all directions, with bikers along the way, and cows walking leisurely in the midst of the chaos. The cows, being sacred beings, are left untouched. Despite chaos in traffic, there were few accidents. In the morning, before driving us to our destination, our bus drivers would pray and bless their steering wheel!
Amidst all this, there are 5* hotels and luxury. It is like the yin and yang of things (opposites). Until such time that there is Oneness between yin and yang, there will always be the better off and the worst off. The good and the bad…
During our pilgrimage, some of us were also invited to the home of about 20 or so orphans. We were greeted like royalties. The kids proudly made us visit their shared rooms. They looked happy. The kids were babies up to 14 years. The elder ones taught us how to dance to the tune of “Jai Ho” in the movie “Slumdog Millionaire. We danced and laughed out loud.
The home was being sponsored by a successful engineer who quit his job in Singapore after his visit in India, witnessing so much misery. He felt called to help some of the orphans on the street of India. Together with some members of his family and sponsors, he opened a “Home” for these children.
The children were happy to have visitors. When it was time to leave, the children did not want to let us go. I was the last one of the group to leave as the children were pulling on my arms and my clothes. I was overwhelmed and started to cry, yet I had to leave them…
My heart was wide open in love and compassion for these children. Yet I had joy and laughter in my heart when I was enjoying their sharing their dance and music with us.
The very next day some of my friends and I went on stage to dance “Jai Ho”, the dance the children taught us to our friends who did not visit the home. We were able to share the joys of these children.
To this day, years later, this experience of the children is vivid in my soul, heart, mind, and body.
And for some years, I have been contributing to the Covenant House, Toronto, Canada, which helps homeless teenagers and young adults in transforming their life, World Vision which helps kids from around the world to have an education, and Love, Peace, and Harmony Organization, which helps people from around the world to be empowered in their healing and transformation.
What can you personally contribute to to make our world a better place to be? Of course, it starts with us at an individual level: awareness, readiness, and embark on our own spiritual, healing, and transformational journey for better health, happiness, and flourishing. And from this frequency and vibration, we are able to serve others. Empower self, empower others for a better world where each and everyone of us, children, women, men of all colours and cultures can thrive and be free.
How can I help you and your family in your healing and transformation journey to health, happiness, and flourishing?
With love and transformation,
Jocelyne Yan Sun Yuen
Transformational Leadership Coach
Women Be Empowered
in Your Health and Happiness
Phone: 1-819-220-0072